Cryptocurrency is a popular means of payment and storing savings. Currently, it is not necessary to mine it, that is, participate in calculations and receive a reward for this. You can exchange cryptocurrency on, having received the required amount of funds.
Exchange methods
There are the following options for exchanging tokens for fiat money and conducting reverse transactions:
- Using an exchange where cryptocurrency is traded. Here you can convert real money into tokens, exchange one type of cryptocurrency for another. In this case, you can not only carry out instant conversion, but also earn on the difference in rates. The exchange acts as an intermediary in the transaction, guarantees its execution, for which it takes a small commission.
- Using specialized sites called exchangers. Here, applications for the purchase or sale of tokens are placed, the size of the batch intended for conversion, the price of the assets and the period of time for which the funds must be transferred are indicated. The site blocks the funds intended for the transaction in escrow accounts, thereby ensuring the reliability of the transaction. A commission is also taken.
- Machines for exchange like ATMs. Non-cash payments are carried out here, funds are transferred to electronic wallets.
- P2P transactions, or directly between individuals. There are no intermediaries here, everything is carried out on the basis of trust between the participants.
The most important parameter for conducting transactions with cryptocurrency is their non-cash form. This is due to the fact that all cryptocurrencies are the result of computer calculations and do not exist in physical form. You can transfer fiat currencies to bank accounts, that is, real currencies such as dollars, euros, rubles.
Actions with cryptocurrency are related to commercial processes, if the exchange results in profit, then you must pay tax on it.
Token exchange is carried out taking into account the requirements of the site and the conditions set by the other party, if we are talking about an exchanger.
Exchange of cryptocurrency for fiat money and the reverse process are legal from the point of view of the law. You can also store tokens on your accounts. There are restrictions on the use of virtual coins as a means of payment. In this case, buying or selling goods for cryptocurrency will be a violation of the law.
These funds can be stored and transferred between your accounts without restrictions. Legislation regarding cryptocurrencies can change, old requirements can be removed, while new restrictions or permissions can be introduced.