Heating radiators are used as an element that serves to transfer heat from heated water to the air in the room. At the same time, we note that today the main classification of this element is the type of materials used in their manufacture.
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The following heating radiator elements can be distinguished:
Cast -iron version of execution – is used in the heating system of the premises for a long time. Despite such a long time to use and the emergence of newer and modern execution options, cast -iron heating radiators are also popular today.
The steel radiator of the heating system is the cheapest and simplest type of this element of the heating system of the premises, but it is used very rarely.
Aluminum heating radiator is a good option for the execution of such an element of the heating system, however, it has a high cost due to the features of the metal used in its manufacture.
Bimetallic – modern heating radiator, which is made by combining several types of metal.
This or that version of the execution of this element has its positive and negative qualities.